понедельник, 22 ноября 2010 г.

road to hell lyrics

road to hell lyrics

If your lottery numbers don’t hit, heck, why not blame the lyrics of a rock band? There actually are rock bands who write lyrics about God. Here are a few musicians who’ve written music and lyrics about how God has rocked their world: George Harrison – “My Sweet Lord” With poignant sincerity, Harrison sang the lyrics, “I really want to know you/Really want to go with you/Really want to show you, Lord/That it won’t take long, my Lord.” Deeply spiritual, Harrison subtly wove “hallelujahs” and Hare Krishna chants throughout the pious lyrics. Train – “Calling All Angels” Patrick Monahan of this Grammy Award-winning alt-rock band plaintively sings the lyrics of this emotionally moving song. Hungering for an anchor of faith, and professing he’ll be loyal to it once it appears, he sings the powerful lyrics, “I need a sign to let me know you’re here ./And I’m calling all angels/I won’t give up if you won’t give up.” KISS – “God Gave Rock ’N’ Roll to You” KISS? A reworking of an Argent song from a uniquely KISS perspective, the lyrics include, “God gave rock and roll to you/Gave rock and roll to you/Put it in the soul of everyone.” According to Gene Simmons, the song lyrics were rewritten, “as kind of a guitar anthem song, that being in a band and playing guitar was a privilege and a God-given gift.” And we thank God they were given that gift! The bands that pen lyrics about God may come as a surprise, but they’re definitely going in a different direction, on a higher road.
road to hell lyrics
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